East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Pippi Beach, Yamba

I tried to do something creative with my camera today but failed miserably so had to resort to another mediocre beach scene (I am blaming the camera of course, not the user). This shows just the northern end of Pippi Beach (which is an extremely long beach) and is looking towards Lovers Point which is a lovely spot for a walk on a nice day.

When I started blipping I thought there would be heaps of subjects here but once you start taking pictures of the beaches they all look the same. I can see I will have to get more creative very quickly if I am to continue blipping.

Also have a new camera on the list of "must haves". The only problem is the list is quite long at the moment.

Can anyone give me some recommendations for what cameras I should start looking at as I have no idea where to start.

Had plans to get so much done today but ended up not getting anything done except some lousy photos, but did manage to get my hair cut and that is always a bonus on a bad day.

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