Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

The Editor

There used to be two more petals on top of this whirligig. I suppose that makes this a ~gig without it's whirli~. That's what I'd be without my Paul. I'd be a ~gig with no whirli~. As I photographed this today, I thought about how such a simple little item that cost us so little has brought so much joy. We love it's bright colors and the ease of which it spun around. My niece and I shared a really funny moment while they were here visiting one day, watching her little girl back up to it, bent over, watching it between her legs and giggling as she bumped it with her bum making it spin.

One day, Paul pointed out that it was missing a few petals and he supposed that made it a butterfly. I felt a twinge of disappointment in my own perspective because I had only seen 'broken' and he saw a butterfly. Then, today, I realized that his perspective had been added like a layer to my own vision for things and I was beginning more and more to see things the way he does.

I got to thinking (big surprise, huh?) about how God is like The Master Editor if life were a photograph. Think about it...people say life is like a tapestry. God can see the top, we only see the loose threads from the bottom, going this way and that and not making much sense until the end when the whole thing is displayed in it's entirety. Well, I have done a little bit of embroidery and I've seen the top and bottom of tapestries, but I relate much more to photo editing. A little change in color here, a little tweak in light there, a bit of contrast, a little more/less color, some blur, back to the light...each little tweak bringing the photo to life. Layer upon layer, it becomes something that tells a story. That's how our lives are...every person in our lives adding a little color, a little clarity, some light, some crispness, some contrast...the Master Editor bringing our lives into focus.

For those of you who do not embrace Deity as truth, probably not too helpful, but it just hit me between the eyes this morning. I settled in and rested in the notion that Someone bigger than myself who could see the whole picture and totally has perspective on my life is adding a bit of this and a splash of that to create the great story from my life. Like it says in Isaiah 64:8 in the Bible...(that's what it made me think of) "But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand". They didn't have photography when this was written, so Pottery was a great analogy. I feel just great in the hands of the Master, whether I am compared to the clay and He the Potter, or the photo and He the Editor. Whatever it is, I don't have to see it all, and I can be sure that if I don't like what I will change!

Anyway, I was just thinkin'...
yesterday's blip was fair animals and ribbons and such. That's a great place to go if you missed the news...I won ribbons at the fair!!!! (hee hee....giggling...)

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