Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

Muggin's Mug

A long day spent teaching a class in the morning.

Followed by a long afternoon further getting to grips w/the new camera, hitherto known as The Beasht, as it is so much heavier than any camera I've ever held.

Also, spent a goodly while getting re-acquainted w/Photoshop, as I feel Picasa isn't an adequate tool for working w/The Beasht.

Lots of shots of Porcelainitron again testing the various settings & modes, so didn't want to post those, so you're stuck w/this rather uninspired self-portrait.

I'd forgotten how frustrating it is starting from scratch w/a new camera, especially as it's such a step up from what I've only recently become used to. Though I can see that patience and perseverance should be rewarded in the, hopefully, not too distant future.

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