David J. Rose

By djrose007

Only 60 miles to go !

Our son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons are moving down to Gloucester from Birmingham and we needed to move the double bed before bringing the rest of the furniture down.
I was very confident that the two base units would fit into the back of the car and the mattress would be ok on the top - WRONG!!

Anyway, I had a strong tow rope that my son and I secured the mattress with and lots of Bungee cords, nice and tight, made sure nothing was going to move.

Despite my confidence I decided it would be safer to travel back to Gloucester via 'A' roads rather than the motorway. If anything did fall off the consequences on the motorway could be far more serious. Luckily my son had his iPhone with a map application so he guided me. When we set off I said I hadn't brought the sat nav because I know the way and I would only want it for the handsfree function!

So, instead of the normal 1.25 hours it took us nearly 2.5 hours!

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