Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

Rabbie got it right...

The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley, (often go astray) so said Robert Burns in the classic 'To a mouse'

Today was one of those days: Rory and I headed off to deepest Argyll to have a night camping in the best traditions of father/son bonding. The spot I had identified on Google Earth was down a track that was padlocked (note to Google: can you crank up the resolution on your satellite imagery please?), and so was every other path leading to any potential site. Thanks Forestry Commission - but could you just remember that you are a public body!

All the official sites were full up, so we had to head home, defeated...

This guy on the ferry was clearly exhausted after collecting the ferry tickets - after all the temperature was in the 20s. I don't want to identify him to avoid any trouble, but if you take the Gourock to Hunters Quay route tomorrow...

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