world outside your window

By thewanderlust

summer days

well, short of uploading some rushed 'i-must-blip-something' shots and placing the very occasional comment on other journals, i'm afraid blip has been fairly sidelined during this busy work.

i hope to have more time to 're-engage' over the next few weeks and to see more of everyone's wonderful shots - although next week's adventures may require some backblipping.

lots of packing to do tonight for the end of the week - cottage in the Lakes next week and then a surprise break after that. can't wait to find out where M is taking me! i love, love, love surprises. especially ones that sound like they'll involve the outdoors and delicious food...

tonight's blip is just a wee snap to represent summer days; colour; sunshine and time to nip out onto my balcony after work. this weather is wonderful. long may it continue!

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