Cumbria Stuff

By DavidH

DIY - A lack of...

Months ago, I decided this will be the year where I'd finish off the repairs to the house...

Seven months on, and this is how far I've got!

So I've re-adjusted the time frame, and the goal now is just to get the bit to the left finished by the time winter arrives.

It's in this wing that the servants live, and I can't go through another winter with them whinging about the drafts, and the frost, mainly due to the lack of a roof of course. They've even been complaining about the heat recently. NEVER happy!

What more do they want? I pay them the minimum wage (nearly), even the young kids!

Anyways, an incredibly slow 6 miles on the roads this morning. Haven't a clue where the time went. Thought I'd maybe taken a wrong turn or my sophisticated timing system (the clock in the car) had developed a fault, but alas no.

8 weeks to the Langdale Half-Marathon. Think I need to get my skates on, literally.

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