
By tookie

Buzzed on Lavender

It was road trip day for myself, my son and his wife---gander and goose as known here on blip. We were headed over to the Olympic Peninsula to visit Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Forest- here--but alas...another non summer day overcast and mountains socked in. So once we arrived in Sequim Wa. we decided to visit a lavender farm. here

A good choice at the lavender was in it's prime and there were many splendid colors. We also sampled some lavender white chocolate ice cream (well more than sampled) and some lavender lemonade and a mixture of the lemonade and tea! It was alllllllllllll good!

Then we took a short hike overlooking the Dungeness Spit area of The Dungeness National Refuge. here After arriving back here in Bellevue we had dinner at The Little Sheep Hot Pot which the kids realized was an actual chain from China and they had eaten there many times while living over there. They were soooo excited to find this here and they ordered for all of us...very very good. Maybe one on this later.

Tomorrow its back to Spokane for them. We've had such a super visit and goodbyes are always hard given how much fun we have with them and how much we enjoy their company.

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