Disparate Housecats of Daytona Beach, Episode 24

Felines of Communication Mirl can hardly wait to get upstairs to tell Sidd all the gossip he got from his afternoon prowl through the neighborhood. "Mrs. O'Leary's cat thinks their cow is an arsonist and no longer sleeps in the barn. What an imagination that cat has. And sooooo paranoid! The Siamese two doors down is preggers. Who could possibly be the Daddy? Tee-hee, those kittens won't be pretty! The Johnsons got Horace snipped finally. What they don't know is it won't keep him from spraying. Toooo late! Doncha know I could up a hairball when I think of the smell in that house....." Sidd really could care less and just wants to finish his nap. Poor, poor pussies - so misunderstood.

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