Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Jump for joy ?? who is joy ?? ..

First lie in of the holidays... sort of,first Monday anyhow :D

This is my godson Sam and Eve doing just that... jumping for joy,today was good,we stayed in bed till 11am,did some pottering about,then went over to Vicki's who is mother to Sam and Mae and she allowed some water hose time,this resulted in wet clothes and wet hair and it was a great afternoon.

Tomorrow the Withers fly to Spain.....not dressed in bird costumes.No we are flying with 'Ryan' shaft you up the backside air.... who always look cheap as chip's till you do the add-on's.. BUT LO' we are travelling with only hand luggage so UP YOURS and the extras.. and also WE ARE EATING BEFORE WE FLY SO HAHAH AGAIN UP YOURS for the £5 sandwhich.. HAHAH HAHA UP YOURS.
So I have had my rant :D

p.s We shall be having an afternoon and evening in Seville.. any tips ??
p.p.s we have loads of house sitters,so I am preparing beds and stuff for them...will be back later to comment x

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