The Daily Andy

By thedailyandy

New real estate agent staff member

The theme of today's blip seems to be a common one among those of us who inhabit Te Wai Pounamu. I have been told that snow like this is a once-in-twenty-year thing down here in Chch. I must say, I was certainly surprised to wake to see so much of the white stuff. Sure, it covers the mountains that are only an hour or so away but it's a rare thing at sea level.

Back in London the protocol would have been to stand at a tube station, freezing cold, for an hour waiting & moaning about tube delays only to have three packed trains drive past you before finally one had enough room that you could wedge yourself in so tight that you arrived at the office simultaneously freezing cold and sweltering hot.

I wasn't sure what the score was here. Reports of cars crashing this morning and vehicles skidding off the road along with a police "stay at home unless absolutely necessary" report convinced me to rug up and stay put.

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