
Not my usual sort of blip even though I took plenty of those - of the kids jumping, running, sulking, playing - but instead here is one of the Red Arrows!

A fabulous day - spa treatment in the morning with a girlfriend - a birthday gift from last year. Followed by a walk through the fields with the Lake District as our background up onto Orrest Head with the family.

Beautiful, beautiful day, the kind that makes you feel you wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world. We weren't specifically looking out for the air show that was taking place but how could we miss it - these guys were spectacular. I have seen them before but today was something else, maybe the deep blue sky and the mountain frame was the key?

This blip is for Tiree who didn't have her camera with her but saw what we saw - I am sorry I didn't capture the heart, we saw it, marvelled at it but I was busy helping Sienna over a stile and missed taking a is in our mind's eye though.

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