Random Musings

By RandomMusing

Not to put to finer point on it......

With it being a wonderfully sunny weekend (the first in a while) I managed to spend this afternoon assembling my birthday present - a bird table.

We have had the table in pieces for a couple of weeks now as the garden needed a good clear out and the grass mown before we could put it out - so thats what I spent a good chunk of today doing.

The house it's self was easy to put together (just the case of putting a few screws in the right place) but getting the stabilising pegs in properly was not so much fun. I would of left them off but with the wind and rain we get here, it would not have worked out so well in the long run. After copious amounts of swearing and reverting to hitting them with the mallet - success!

A quick trip to the local pet store for supplies and now it is all set up. I do think that the woman who served us thought we were a bit odd as we had to buy cat, fish and bird supplies, but such is life.

I am hoping that we will get some good wildlife shots from the various birds in the area once they become familiar with it being here - fingers crossed. Now for a hard earned beer n the sun

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