an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


Leah and Brian.

Today, Leah officially got her white coat, and begins medical school classes on Monday. About a month ago, I got it into my head that I wanted to come down and surprise her. Of course it would be nice to be in DFW, where I have other friends (Megan, Jess, David, among others) and of course my whole immediate family. But Leah was the impetus for the trip, the reason for it ever starting.

So, after much collaboration with Brian, today I walked into Will Rogers and it was done. The look on her face was priceless, one I will always remember, that shock of what in the world are you doing here, 2000 miles from where I thought you were?

But some things in life are worth a whirlwind weekend trip for; this is one of them.

Also, we had a bit of a long-awaited blipmeet (click on it for the photo): me, Brian, Leah, and finally, Liz, who I have heard so much about but hadn't yet met.

Congrats to Leah, Liz, Brighton, and all the others. I am excited to have been here, excited to be coming back here and to once again be a part of all these separate communities each of my friends have developed, and to merge them all into one community: mine. If only I didn't have to go back and do three more weeks in Massachusetts.

But, at last, I'm coming home.

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