
By karenjulia

Ode to Teddy - for Kariba

Hi Kariba, Here's someone you know well and love.

Dear old Ted made his way into my life before you were here because Nana bought him for you before you were born. He joined the ranks of soft toys that awaited your arrival but was singled out early when the midwife came to visit late in my pregnancy - she grabbed him to use as a demo when explaining to me how to hold my baby to feed. At that time he was lushly furred and golden brown in colour.

You soon decided he was the favourite and took him everywhere with you. You lost Teddy on two notable occasions. Once was at preschool where he was finally discovered buried in the sandpit. You recalled that you had done this to "keep him safe". The second time was in the Koru lounge when we had already boarded the plane. Air New Zealand did an amazing rescue dash with a golf cart and bought him out to the plane - just like a TV ad really!

He slept with you every night and I am sure has heard many secrets. When you got a bit older, he sat on the shelf above your bed. Now he is in your wardrobe - carefully wrapped in this little t-shirt that mum had made for you when you were a baby and the muslin clothe I used to wrap you up in.

Dear old Teddy.

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