
By Viewpoint

Is that for me?

Peace and quiet at the moment! I'm really not sure how you full time mums do it, especially those of you who work as well (like Jimmy & Bobby's mum).

Bobby is asleep (long may it last) and Jimmy is well on the way. Bobby is teething and has been rather grisly today, eating very little apart from this evening when he made up for the rest of the day. I'm hoping he's topped up enough to sleep through though he fell asleep so early I doubt he'll last. He's crawling and able to pull himself up to standing so into everything.
Jimmy, who is five now has been full on and very excited, though by early evening he was quieter and simply wanted to watch a video. he goes home again tomorrow but is coming back on Tuesday for two more nights.

As you can tell my day has been rather pre-occupied so not much more news to share.

Oh we did go to the playground for an hour just after lunchtime when we had to do racing. Jimmy is now into winning and as he sets off as he's still saying ready GO he inevitable gets a flying start. So we've been racing up and down the field and around the goal posts too.

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