
By JohnD

Make 'em Laugh...........

Well, it made me laugh anyway.
What a warm sunny day that was. We went blip-hunting through Linlithgow and ended up in Blackness, walking out to the castle. I spotted this little character sunbathing on the sea-wall and asked nicely if I could take a photo for Blip. In the background is Blackness Castle. Built in the 15th century, the castle has served as a garrison, a prison, an ammunition depot and a film set.
Along the way we met a lovely little blue roan called Bertie and Rona must like him because she didn't woof him at all.
Been a busy day so time to stow away the camera and put the feet up - what's that, Mag, you want a cup of tea? Ok, two minutes!
Happy weekend everyone.

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