Ruby red ....

My first tomato!!! It was tiny but oh so delicious!! Eaten immediately after being blipped!

We were too wrecked to venture into Bantry last night to see the Calvinists and just staggered down to the Tin Pub, nice to catch up with friends. Ase we walked home it was still lightish and bats were whirling over our heads. Talking of bats - this has been today's excitement. Since coming back from England we've noticed the water has a funny smell. Himself went into the roof space to investigate the tank - quite an achievement which involved ladders and small spaces. In the tank was a rather sorry looking very deceased bat. I was dispatched to Durrus to find some Milton while he drained the tank.

Other than that I've been pulling bracken. A few days away, rain and no wwoofers and the garden has gone mad. Trees were disappearing in a forest of bracken, most of it taller than me and I'm an impressive 5ft 2!! Quite satisfying as you can pull it out by the roots, but now I have huge heaps everywhere. I did get the urge to build a den though.The only disadvantage is it's where the Bastard Flies live- so called because they're silent and you don't know they're on you until they bite you which is painful whereupon you yell 'bastard fly!!'. The plus side is they are very stupid and you can squash them - and me a peaceful veggie!!

Some music for son number 1 who recently got me hooked - have a listen to
The Feelies - it's only life :)

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