Puppy has a name!

The new pup now has a name....she has been christened Pene. She is lovely and has a great nature and is getting on grand with the other two, indeed I think I see a wee allience between Pene the lab and Sam the Bam with Abbie being a little uncertain of her as yet.
Went to South Uist on Thurs evening, sped down to Benbecula to pick up the pup (who is a distant relation to Freda our late lab)after much bletherning got to bed about 3am.
Left Uist 9am, 5 hours on the ferry, (puppy slept the whole way), got home at 4pm, left home at 8.30pm to drive to Acharacle which is the bum end of nowhere avoiding Kamakazi sheep with a death wish sleeping in the middle of the road on every double bend. Got to Acharacle half past midnight. Picked up 5 accordions and two harps and drove all the way back. But Oh my God! there were times I just couldnt keep my eyes open and twice had a close call with Loch Eil!
Arrived home at 4.30am and fell into bed. That was one Hell of a long day and a half!
Was hoping to still make it for the local camera club outing but slept till 10am so missed it, bugger! anyhows looking forward to Ardrishaig gala day as the weather is beautiful
Good night or should that be good morning all

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