simple moments

By simplemoments

i'm gonna get in trouble...

...for looking at you

is he not the cutest ever? this is not the only fawn i was priveleged to see today... there were 4 visible - hopping and leaping through the grasses. this is the only one, though, that i was able to get semi-close to and... that responded to my call. how cool is that?

i called it "baby" a couple of times and mid-leap, he stopped - turned like this and looked right at me... (it's why the shot is slightly out of focus. i wasn't prepared really for the stopping or being able to get a clear picture... but had to post it anyway.) his mama was in front of him leading the way however paid no nevermind to me. as with many babies, i think curiosity got the best of him... so hearing my voice, he was compelled to turn. but then - lickety-split he bounded off... fast... very fast. it's amazing being so small how quickly he was able to move.

who knew this was the time of year for the little ones to have been born... therefore to be out roaming with their parents? i will be on the lookout in the days ahead - maybe a clearer shot is in my future. for now, it's the closest i've ever been to a fawn and was breathtaking - especially having it respond to me as it did. how heartwarming...

happy day.....

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