As seen by me...

By GrantR

Coneflower Friday

I'm sure this is some type of Coneflower, different to the one I blipped yesterday but a casual Google has more or less convinced me so I'm going with Coneflower. I always forget to look at the little notices telling you what they are at the botanics.

This is part of a series of shots I took away from today, all very different but all around the same plants. If you want to look for them, they are about half way along the big hedge up by the north gate. Loads of photographic opportunity in there.

I've been so into the macro stuff of late I never even noticed I had lost my remote switch until I couldn't find it yesterday, last time I used it was nearly 2 weeks ago. I reckon it's lying up on Arthurs Seat, if you find one held together with tape it's mine!

I've been uploading the flower stuff mainly to 500px should you fancy seeing more of them.

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