It's worth it

By waytolive

Tree frogs remain hidden

so i couldn't do my blip basically all throughout my spring break. last sunday i was careless and left a friends house at 1 and was so tired...i forgot mycamera

i was freaked out because i thought i lost it. but he found it eventually after telling me 3 times he didn't see it anywhere. oh well it's safe now

break was nice. mostly. it went by far too quickly but that's expected.
these weekends coming up should be fun.
CMU on the 24th.
then the Wizard of Oz plays at the frauenthal may 1-4 come see us! my make up is crazy. and i'm fuckin excited for it all!!! WOo
then May 10th is prom. not so excited yet.
May 17th is my dance recital.
then may 19th birthday but who even cares because that is the last week of highschool EVA! AHhhh

only a couple more weeks.
at least the weather is decent.
things are up in the air.

it's still up and down, fragile and delicate.
like my flower, ad like puppies and like people.

we get our new baby girl in 3or 4 weeks. her name will be Rocket ;D

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