
By HarryJ


"Shoot!" in North America is a polite way of saying "SHIT!"

That's what I really meant to say

When I heard that Scott Kelby was coming to Vancouver for a one day seminar, I thought that wild horses wouldn't keep me away

(You know Scott Kelby don't you? .... Photoshop guru, NAPP founder, Kelby Training, etc)

Anyway, it seems that there are more wild horses running around than I could have ever imagined. Because some A**HOLE dumped a whole bunch of work on me that must get done before I go on holiday to Mexico next Friday

(I slipped that one in nicely, didn't I?:_)

So, Mr, Kelby, ain't, happening

Hence the torn up ticket

(This was actually a back up photo that I took in case I didn't get another chance.
C, has just informed me that we're going to see Harry Potter in 3-D tonight.
So now, this photo is instantly promoted to numero uno)

I will do better tomorow..
I will..
No, I will..
I promise..

Ah well. Until tomorrow...

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