Lisa's place

A very productive day! The cards have finally arrived and they're okay - yay :) I zoomed round to Lisa's place to collect my share and then returned for a mass bag-up! The local Post Office had commissioned 100 prints of their shop front - very scary having to present the final thing. Seemed to go down okay but I think I could have done better!! Two more orders delivered and our printing is now paid for!! Tomorrow we're going to have a stall on Bantry market - this involves getting up early! Will let you know how we get on.

This is Lisa's place. She has 14 beautiful acres nestling under a mountain ridge with views out to Bantry Bay. This is the back view as you wind your way through her wonderfully bright garden and veg area. She arrived here nearly 20 years ago in a gypsy caravan and now has built an organic and comfortable wooden house. She has cats, chickens, donkeys and a couple of cattle. She has cleared acres of land and planted indigenous trees, sown meadows and dug out ponds. She has also raised two daughters, runs a health food shop ... and produces cards! A good friend.

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