alive to look

By pennultimate

Listening...One Ear Forward,One Ear back.....

I couldn't help post this shot today,so quintessentially Australian....the wattle,eucalypts,and yep...the kangaroo.
I've been trying to walk the dogs in reasonably open spaces....during the cyclonic winds,the pines came up by the roots...the eucalypts all snapped and split.
Its quite scary to even drive through the bush with all the hanging branches at the moment.
The kangaroos are feeling the same...
My dogs noses were in the air,and I was wondering what scent they had found.....
When I realised it was a mob of Kangaroos,my thought was please please please don't chase them....a roo can do amazing damage to a dog by leaning back on it's tail,and kicking....powerful.
We were back to the car fairly quickly....and ran the gauntlet back home.

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