michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Hot Bee

The external temperature almost matches my internal temperature. My body temp? 98.6 The outside temp? 96.8

I should have got up and took a walk when my wife went to work at 7:30. I didn't. I shouldn't have watched 3 hours of the Tour De France. I did. I should have watered the plants early in the morning. I didn't. I shouldn't have ate that leftover Chinese food for lunch. I did.

I finally had to face the music, and go out the back door. I had to go get the oil changed in my van. I took my camera to the back yard.

My bee balm has finally showed up. It seems like it took a long time. There were only 3-4 bees enjoying the feast. I think the heat affects them, too. This royal looking guy was busy with activity. A pretty chap.

My oven just sounded. My oven-baked chicken is ready. At least I did something today. Tommorrow is another day. Up and at 'em early. The tour will have to take a backseat.

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