Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Midnight Madness

Strange things happening tonight. I lost all my typing when I clicked the preview button , so will have to start agin . I think a shortened version might be better.
here goes.

Still like a chld with a new toy ,playing with the new lens after midnight. I know the lens is really for wildlife but I was testing what it could do handheld in different light etc. Had finished and was going to bed when I liked the way the gerbera looked against the darkness outside so just had to go for this challenge, how to exlude the reflections from the living room. half an hour later , solved the problem , switched off the lights and used flash , worked a treat once I realised I needed the light on to see through the viewfinder to get the focus and composition right. So off course my very patient hubby was on hand to switch off the lights when I was ready.

Why not use live view I hear you say. Could have done but I really wanted to persevere with coping with this monstrous lens hand held and test the limits of the image stabiliser in a simple static situation before attempting to follow wildlife.

Getting there so hope to see heron etc on the way to Tarbert tomorrow.

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