put me on the wall mummy?

Sienna's requests this evening - "put me on the wall with the others Mummy."


"I really want a sister who is magic, Mummy."

Right - easy requests then!

Busy, busy, day, I am sure other Mother's are also feeling the end of school crazies! Between school parties and assemblies, performances and 'graduations' it is hard to juggle it all especially when you are super busy at work. Still wouldn't change it for the world...

Sorry though for lack of commenting, summer hols will help with that I hope!

Right; the very last bank saga entry (collective sigh of relief all around)! Back to the bank this morning. Said I wasn't leaving until it was sorted and an hour later it was. Too drained to appropriate blame, (everyone within HSBC was trying to do that) just remembered why I prefer to run our own company - everything good and bad depends and ends with you and I find that liberating!

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