My City

By mycity

My City Day 277: Postcards from Toronto

There is some amazing graffiti in this city and some of it can stand in its own as a work of art. If I could I would cut this out of the space that it is in and hang it in my condo.

I am off tomorrow to Alberta to do aHoffman Process. The Hoffman Process is a unique 8-day intensive residential program that looks at the first 12 years of your childhood to see how and why you may have become like your parents and how these patterns of behaviour may not be serving you well in your personal and professional life today. The Hoffman Process gives you emotional tools to allow you to have the choice to let go of many limiting belief systems so that you can enjoy the banquet of life instead of just settling for the crumbs. I am a Supervising teacher for the Process. I did the Process 21 years ago and it gave me the tools to transform my life and let go of my past. I highly recommend it to all.

I will be back with blips from the flat prairie province on the 29th. Until then happy blipping everybody:-)

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