Why the long face Rupert?

The cynic in me would say it's because you got caught.

I don't know whether this will rank alongside the, "Where were you when Kennedy got assassinated" but it was enthralling viewing.

The thing that I cannot understand is that up until the Milly Dowler episode it seems that everyone thought that it was OK for peoples privacy to be invaded but after that the line had been crossed. i would have thought that it it would have been the other way around. That people would be outraged that any newspaper could do that to anyone and that the Milly Dowler episode only confirmed that these people do not have a role to play in any society.

Also thought it was ironic that MP's sat there grilling these two and yet I couldn't help but wonder who is going to grill the MP's who have been cosying up to these two for years?

As Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington on being blackmailed by John Joseph Stockdale and Harriette Wilson retorted, "Publish and be damned."

Looks like they are damned.

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