Evening light on white dahlia

Been tidying up the allotment - we've been told they will be judged in August. What sillyness is that? Should have been watching since the beginning of the year. I've got little to show now - potato haulms cut off but potatoes still in ground - peas and broad beans finished - asparagus finished cutting and growing on - tomato plants are a bit straggley but have green balls on them - summer raspberries finished - autumn raspberries not started - gooseberries, red and black currants picked - onions lifted - globe artichokes doing well - strawberry plants cut down to the crown - purple sprouting doing well as is a row of spinach - courgette and gourd plants outdoing themselves - early on a woman danced on my seed beds of carrots, beetroot, parsnips, love-in-the-mist and corriander so they are all mixed up! - the sweet peas and chilean vine are going great guns...

We had a letter early on in the year saying we couldn't have more than 25% of our allotments unweeded and recently a guide took council members (we think they were anyway) round and said in a loud voice that they didn't want allotment holders and we were going to be phased out in favour of community gardens. Half are community gardens already and they have more than 75% weeds!

OK. Beef over. I love my allotment and the evenings I spend there when no one else is around are balm for the soul.

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