A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


For some reason the clouds today reminded me of a book I got years ago (round about 2000 I suppose) called Millenium Eyewitness which was some written accounts over the previous 1000 years. I copied a description of London out of it (though not the date it was written sadly-one assumes sometime during the Industrial Revolution) which rather impressed me.

For when in all other places the Aer is most Serene and Pure, it is here Ecclipsed with such a Cloud of Sulphure, as the Sun itself, which gives day to all the World besides, is hardly able to penetrate and impart it here; and the wearly Traveller, at many Miles distance, sooner smells than sees the City to which he repairs. This is that pernicious Smoake which sullys all her Glory, superinducing a sooty Crust or Fur upon all that it lights, spoyling the moveables, tarnishing the Plate, Guildings and Furniture and corroding the very Iron-bars and hardest stones with those piercing and acrimonious Spirits which accompany its Sulphure; and executing more in one year than exposed to the pure Aer of the Country it could affect in some hundreds.
John Evelyn


And okay, this is in fact Mordun and not Mordor.

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