
By Runningbackwards

Aardagh Panorama

The road to the Aardagh.

A poor visual metaphor for the path ahead of me this summer.

Enjoying its post Wimbledon boost as the very seasonal tennis players emerge.

Busy thinking about school as I walked to work this morning.

Contrary to popular belief, there is work to be done before September.

But, can't help being busy making plans for the summer.

Timetable version X has just been sent out to the Department.

Last minute changes dealt with.

People happy that they are under timetable, annoyed that they are over timetable.

Good/Bad combinations of classes.

The usual questions:

Who have I got Friday Period 5?

What's on Monday Period 1?

Have I got any doubles?

All this maneuvering is common. School politics are busy at this time of term.

Run: 4.86 miles @ afterwork, unrecorded pace

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