Clark Tales

By cclark

Drink again? Ok why not?

Backblip 17/07

Wow this AGAIN is hopefully the start of the backblipping ! Been having such a lull since that night out with DP and CLP! Things have been super busy and crazy, this has actually been DRUNK JULY! I have been blipping every day still and think it acceptable that I have got this far in the process before a major lull!

Ok so actually to explain my day....It started with a wonder call with DP then a beautiful breakfast, morning after the night before style. Doogie had slept in the beanbag, alone, while Garion and I found a sofa each. Janis and her flatmate Traci joined us for breakfast. We were starving when we arrived, then it took so long, none of us could really finish it lol. The waiter left a survey for us to fill in, so Garion, still I think being drunk, left 'a fake number' stating 'the blonde in the corner wants a call later'

I got home to the parents for lunch and opened some wonderful mail, with the news that I am definitely going to be allowed back to uni~! so DIPLOMA IN LEGAL PRACTICE at Edinburgh Uni, here I come!

An afternoon of work led to to people inviting me out to drinks after work, namely DP and Caroline. I think within an hour we'd had a bottle of wine, woops! I then realised I may just be topping up the consumption from last night!

Well all I can say for the rest of the night that there was some major emotion, chat, crying, smoking, dancing, kissing, tequila, more romance, more tequila then a cab back to Caroline's to finish the night on an air bed being sprayed with aftersun! ONE OF THE BEST CRAZY NIGHTS EVER! ...tomorrow at work looks rough!

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