All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Room with a view

Ethan really seems to think this week that 5am is a good time to wake up! Actually, it was just before then that he started yelling out this morning but kept stopping and starting the yells every ten minutes or so and was clearly not too grumpy. So, we didn't actually get him up till 6am. I stayed in bed an hour longer before doing some more overtime, while hubbie spent the morning playing wtih Ethan.

After lunch, we went in to Edinburgh to look at dishwashers (ours finally gave up a few weeks ago after being on its last legs for quite some time). Managed to get parked behind the bus station which Ethan appreciated as he keeps pointing at every bus which goes by when we're travelling. Spent ages in John Lewis looking at various things but only bought a new cup for Ethan. Another parent saw me buying it and told me they have one too and it's fab - guess it must be good if they felt the need to tell me! I hadn't realised how far out towards the Forth you can see from John Lewis. Wish I was good enough with photoshop to get rid of that pesky lampost in the middle of the shot though.

Ethan was a real delight this evening. Despite his early start and the fact he only had a 1/2 hour nap all day, he was really cheerful. He ate all his dinner and then charged around the house, happy as can be.

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