Bonnie Clyde...

I was thinking today about the photographic differences between Glasgow and Edinburgh and likening it to the science fiction difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.

Star Trek is set in a utopian futuristic clean universe. Star Wars however is more dystopian 'used' universe. Both equally valid, beautiful science fictions but dramatically different.

Edinburgh to me has a classical photographic beauty. Everything looks in it's place and specifically ordered to be aesthetically pleasing.

Glasgow however is my Star Wars in this analogy. It is more chaotic and cluttered. It feels more lived in, more used. Equally photographically beautiful but from a polar opposite end of the scale.

I think Glasgow and Edinburgh along with Star Wars and Star Trek are very good subjects for the Tarantino preference game. Which do you prefer? You may like both, but there will always be one that is preferred, even if just slightly, over the other.

I'm a Star Wars person and I prefer a photographic saunter exploring Glasgow.


Notes on Choice of Framing...
I deliberated over a couple of framing options for this one but finally settled on this one with the bridge coming across the top. Here's the other one and other two. What do yous reckon?

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