Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

The Stirling Reidos

After yesterdays showers...Mr R watched the late night weather forecast intently last night...I checked the forecast on the iPhone early this morning and independently we came up with the suggestion to head to Antrim...the sun was gonna shine there today and shine it did:-)

We have done the Antrim coastal road once before...the first time that we took advantage of my sister and her then fiancé's hospitality in that time the Fangle was just a wee secret that Mr R and I knew about;-) It's a fantastic drive, especially if you get the weather, the road hugs the coastline and on a good day you can see across to the Kintyre was such a day:-)

We were heading for the Giant's Causeway, an iconic Irish landmark...plenty of rocks to climb for restless boys and a good walk for a restless while we were there I asked a fellow traveller if they would take a shot of the Stirling Reido's...and here it is...haven't managed this for a couple of years...the last time we were in Donegal in the Inishowen Peninsula.

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