Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Rhapsody in Purple

Congratulations to Nicky and Dave on the occasion of their wedding!! The sun shone on the ceremony and for the official photographs. The children were well behaved and made new friends in the way only small children can.

"Daddy, that girl is my new friend!"
"Lovely. What's her name?"
"I don't know."

The venue, people, food were all fabulous and the colour was purple.

Here's Dave joking with Gary Okey, the first of the evening's entertainment. I believe Gary is his real name, but I'm less convinced by the Okey surname. Either way it works for me as do his vocals and mastery of lead guitar.

Dave is a big fan of hats and by the looks of it Gary is similarly persuaded by hair. He played very well, supported on a couple of numbers by half of the guests playing kazoo. Thanks to some earlier avid collecting by my younger daughter, I missed the opportunity to join in.

I didn't ask why kazoos, but it was all good fun nonetheless.

I hope you like it.

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