One Week On

And what a fab week it has been. I have been awol from blip but I have a fine excuse, we was getting married you see! Busy time and it was truly an excellent time. Sadly, I have very few pics of the day. For some reason, I was a tad too busy to think about shooting and in any case I was surrounded by blippers who caught the moment! It piddled it down all day but my friends and family did what they do best and all mucked in to make it the bestest day ever. Its amazing what you can pull together when you have a great team behind you! I can't thank them enough. It was a blast. I love this photo and thisone creases me every time.

It was so nice of Mr Life in Fife to invite 14 folks round for Sunday breakfast the day after!

Fortunately on the Monday we skeddadled down to the North East of England for some R&R with young Jake and the dogs....back blips to follow. The Holy Isle was superb, blipper heavem

Now back and tonight we walked up to the hill and had a wee ponder....lovely, even if the clouds are still grey and menacing. Looks better LARGE ;-)

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