Struggle or persistence?

I'm not sure. This is the last twenty meters of the last day of a five day orienteering week my girls participated in.

For Hanna it's all very new to be part of the race herself and I could see she was tired today. I almost turned back on the 2km walk to the start with a half crying little girl who insisted to go and do the last race in one sentence and wanted to go home and to sleep in the other sentence.

Luckily my oldest sister caught up and came for rescue and told her how well she had done, finding all the controls and all. And, that she will get a price in the end. (For the youngest ones it's not about the race but about participating - and everyone always gets a small price no matter how many controls they find.)

All whining forgotten and tired or not, there she dissappeared to the woods, happily running. And struggled her way up the last meters, falling a few times in the mud because of the old hand-me-down slippery shoes.

And what a happy girl afterwards!

I really like it that I'm now seeing the pic from last year via the thumbnail.
(Last year this time - oops, edit, had it wrong first - painting window frames.)

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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