SNAP! Day by day...

By Picturebook

Mt Wellington

This is the rather stunning view from the top of Mt Wellington in Hobart.

B and i were up reasonably early this, first we walked into town for some breakfast with a few of B's 'Hobart Family', one of whom is an old friend of mine from Horsham - such a small world!

After that we headed up the mountain to play in the snow! A snowball fight ensued (i admit defeat) then we wandered around taking in the view.

Next stop was B's hockey game then home for a nap! Tonight we hauled ourselves off the couch and ventured down the bay for dinner and back to the movies to see Bridesmaids.

We finished the evening lying on the loungeroom floor talking for hours just like we used to in highschool. All in all a fabulous flying visit to Tassie.

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