Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

The light in your eyes

Tea lights actually. A lovely end to the week on two counts: I cooked supper for me and Roland and it turned out quite well, and I finished work at 4pm to go to a photography workshop that the lovely folks on the Arts Team of Norwich Pride organised.

Only two hours, but it was great! I am now going to have a read of my Fuji handbook and have a fiddle with the manual settings. Best bit, though, for me was looking at the work of other photographers and talking about why we photograph things, and other good stuff.

The tutor, Ruski Farhi was lovely - informative, engaging, interested and patient and the venue was beautiful. St Margarets Church of Art on St Benedicts, and we were able to see a fab photographic exhibition that finishes tomorrow.

It is, though, perfectly fine to just shoot on auto. A lot of it is about having 'the eye'. Apparently.

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