Ellen's mug

After work was done and after Ellen and I had spent a good couple of hours making Happy Friday cards for everyone, including Mandy, Ewan, ourselves and her toy leopard, we piled into the car for a drive to Aberfeldy. I got to pick our destination and decided to head for the David Peat exhibition. Well worth the drive. Lovely street photography. Bold, close-up photography (I mean there's one where he's looking over the shoulder of a man walking down the street reading a porn mag!) but never intrusive. Smiling at the odd sights and eccentricities that you see on the street but never laughing at them, no hint of sneering superiority. Reminiscent of Elliott Erwitt in their gentle sense of humour. I could quibble about the printing - the paper seems flimsy and the mounting is often less than excellent and he has that Cartier Bresson thing of filing back the negative carrier so that the film rebate makes a black border. Just to prove that they're a print of the full frame. But the photographs themselves are wonderful. No book of the exhibition and no plans to make one, which is a real shame. £200 for a print is a little too steep for me but I'd buy a book. So, seems like this is the only chance to see them. If you're able, you should get up there.

A cuppa in the cafe, a tour of the Watermills bookshop and it was home via the big Perth Tiso to look for a tent we'd not be upset to have trashed at the Cambridge Folk Festival at the end of the month. Fish and chips for tea.

And let's not forget Rebekah. Probably worth marking this as the day that she was forced out and Rupert Murdoch finally apologised. As I've said to Ewan more than once, it doesn't mean much when it's been forced out of you. Still, their world is falling apart. Let's just enjoy it. Who would've ever have imagined the Guardian bringing down News International (and maybe Cameron too)? Brilliant.

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