Well I wake up this morning I rolled out of bed
I felt like a dog who's been kicked in the head
Checked out my mail there was letter that read
Love for sale, love for sale
- 'Love for Sale' Bon Jovi

Wandered down to the shops to have a look at some cameras, still undecided what I'm going to go for. Think my issue is trying to squeeze two cameras into one - a 'take-everywhere-I-go' camera and 'I-dont-want-to-lug-the-DSLR-about-travelling' camera. Maybe I should just accept that my want/need for a camera is more due to the latter and go for a slightly larger/more featured camera and just keep the everyday one that I use for now. I'm not the best at making decisions quickly - half the fun in a purchase is where you're looking at all your options!

After playing abut with a few cameras we nipped into Habitat to the closing down sale - not looking for anything in particular but just having a wander. I spotted these cups (and sneakily rearranged them for my shot).

The weekend has arrived! So many possibilities - what should I do? I know what I should do but ... *cheeky grin*....

See, I almost managed to get through this post without mentioning Jack Bauer... dammit!

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