500 Blips!!

500 Blips and I'm still here, Yay!!!

In the darkness of the morning, wrapped in jackets, scarves, hats and gloves Daughter A and I climbed the frosty sand dunes to capture the sunrise. Birds were waking as the sun began to rise, colour filled the sky while the sea quietly lapped the shore. The air was cold but very still as we both clicked away with our cameras. It was great to have Daughter A's company - a time neither of us will forget.

We walked and talked and had a few laughs. As we were about to leave something caught my eye - was it a couple of birds, a dog - no it was a baby NZ Fur Seal. The young pup had swam in and was taking a breather - we were quite excited. He stayed for a while then turned around and swam through the waves - just made my day.

Its great to be here and thank you all for stopping by. I enjoy reading your words, always kind, thoughtful and supportive. Many thanks to Joe and the team at blipcentral - your amazing!!

Thanks everyone - your all awesome!!! The journey continues....

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