Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


He's insistent that he can feed himself yogurt now. Quite often it misses his mouth or he turns the spoon over en-route to his mouth and the yoghurt falls off. Then he gets a bit frustrated because he wants the yoghurt so I try and help him but he snatches the spoon from me and shouts!

Had a stressful day with Lime having to go into the vet hospital. I was awake a lot last night worrying about him, that he wouldn't load, that he'd freak out in the stables and that worst of all they might tell me it's a long term thing and I will have to retire him.

But he was an absolute angel to load, walking straight into the trailer. I followed in the car and he whinnied most of the way but had barely sweated up when we arrived. Three years ago when I got him he totally freaked out being in a stable, practically jumping the door. He's obviously calmed down loads and feels secure because he took being stabled all day totally in his stride.

Unfortunately I got a phone call mid afternoon to say that he would need to be in over night as they needed to do more nerve blocks and the first ones had not yet worn off for them to start another one. Apparently he blocked out below the coronet band which suggests its a problem in the hoof but they will do a more localised nerve block tomorrow and then maybe xrays to try to narrow down the problem area. On the plus side at least they are getting some results so we are closer to being able to find and treat the cause but more waiting. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight though.

Went to say night to him earlier and he was so calm - gave me a huge whinny when I left. I hope it wasn't to say 'Mummy don't leave me here. Come back!" Hopefully I can bring him home tomorrow - can't wait to get him home.

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