Flowers In Your Hair

By bethanyanne

Keep Calm & Harry On.

"Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." - JK Rowling

Midnight Premiere of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part II tonight.

I don't care if some people see it as a silly, annoying obsession. Harry Potter has been there throughout my childhood. I grew up reading these books from age 7. I turned 18 and graduated high school just over a month ago, and I start college in just over a month. What a perfect time for the release of this movie, right in the middle of my transition from a kid to an adult. Can't really explain how much these books mean to me. I've learned so much about bravery, friendship, love, loyalty, trust, hope and humanity from these pages. Yes, I'm feeling sentimental, and I know that the excitement will die down once it's really over. But I know that I'll be revistiting the stories and movies countless times in my future, and if I ever have kids, I'm going to read the first book to them at bedtime just like my mom read to it me... and then hopefully they'll fall in love with the rest of the series just like I did.


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