My new toy?

Today I am very tired, by the time I got to bed after uploading the clients images it was 12am and the computer was still messing about , I think it was something to do with too large file sizes. I decided as I had 2/3 of them done I would set the alarm to 6.45am to attempt to finish them off, however I was a little concerned as to whether the remaining images would upload ok, so at 4am I was up and messing about for another 2 hours. Managed to go back for another couples of hours rest. Somehow I managed to get through the day, not sure how I did.

Last night I sold a lens and tonight my canon sx10is to fund my new purchase another fast lens but now I have the decison of which one IS or no IS Canon or Sigma or Canon L lens, prime(with macro or without) or zoom the only consistent thing is that it will be f2.8 or faster. I am tempted by a Canon 135 f2 L which I've seen for a good price. My heart and business says L lens but my purse and bank account say not yet.

And finally what feels like for the first time in a week I have actually used my Canon 5D for this little beauty, it was just asking to be blipped

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