Finding Beauty
Nearly a month has gone by now since I first joined Blipfoto and I've been thoroughly enjoying myself, and the challenge of taking a photo a day for 365 days, although some days it is incredibly difficult. To give you an idea how its changed the way I view things, today I noticed for the first time the flowers that can be found in the borders and the hanging baskets, see photo, in our office in the Lake District. I wanted to do something with colour today after yesterdays somewhat dull blip, and as I walked into the office today I was amazed by the colour displayed. I've not noticed them before in all the time I've been going there. But it's not just today this has happened to me, every day I've tended to notice things more and appreciate the beauty that's on your own doorstep.
Today I've completed what I thought would be the last training session I've been delivering these past two weeks, but a few absentees mean I'll have to organise a mop up session, not best pleased! I'm definitely in wind down mode now though with my holiday due to start at 5:00pm tomorrow, and was really struggling for motivation this afternoon. I think because it's been quite intense, especially these past two weeks, the old brain has now had enough and is crying out for some rest. No problem I'm looking to relax and just appreciate what's around me.
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