Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Flower for a flower ;)

Dedicated to Sam Mills,one of the mums at school... she is rather lovely... anyway I am not give to displays of affection so tomorrow I shall stamp on her feet x

Today.... dog walk.. no surprises..
Ironing.....no surprises
lie down and watch terrible MTV show.. no surprises
work at school for lunch cover outside... many surprises... one wasp sting
on a year five... mucho hysteria,one smack in the neck more hysteria
(not same girls) one almost pass out,one fattist remark (I used my very
stern voice with this one...one spit their dinner out on the table (I made
him clear it up ) and one falling over and having football kicked in face.
came home and lay down... no surprise ;)
Chicken,stuffing and baked beans for tea......

ohhh and I asked the doctor how he knew I was not dying,as I had an appointment at 4pm and he said 'because I am the doctor thats why' and he used HIS stern voice.......

disclaimer...JAYNE UPTON do not go all humpty huffy you get loads of blips.... I know you.

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